Dixie County Fire Rescue Logo

Dixie County Fire Rescue Services

Serving, Preparing, and Protecting the Residents of Dixie County

2025 Hurricane Names

Andrea, Barry, Chantal, Dexter, Erin, Fernand, Gabrielle, Humberto, Imelda, Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa, Nestor, Olga, Pablo, Rebekah, Sebastien, Tanya, Van, and Wendy

We are currently accepting applications for full-time positions of Firefighter/Paramedic and Paramedic. Please click the application link below to apply.
Click For Employment Application
Fill in the form, print, and then sign in the correct places.

Mail or deliver forms to:

Dixie County Emergency Services Administration
17600 S.E. Highway 19
Cross City, FL 32628

Or by Email: Matt Ferguson
Dixie County Fire Rescue is located in the Big Bend area of Northern Florida. Currently we are in the process of expanding our department by adding 10 additional staff members and 2 additional stations to better serve the needs of our growing community.
Residential Mitigation Program
Dixie County Fire Rescue
Dixie County Fire Rescue3 days ago
🚨📢 Tomorrow, is the last day to pre-order your Autism Awareness shirt to help support both Autism and our Honor Gaurd Team!!!🚨📢
Dixie County Fire Rescue
Dixie County Fire Rescue4 days ago

Thank you to OTES for allowing us to spend the morning teaching Fire Prevention to these amazing Pre-k - 1st graders. Due to the busy Hurricane season this past fall, our department had to push our visits for the different schools to the Spring time. Throughout the next few weeks,...

Dixie County Fire Rescue

Ready to Dive in?

The Dixie County Dive Team is a joint and collaborative team of divers from the Dixie County Sheriff's Office and Dixie County Emergency Services. The goal of the Dixie County Dive Team is to rapidly respond to any water-related operation and to safely affect any type of waterborne recovery, rescue operation or criminal investigation. The Team responds to calls and special community needs in all areas of Dixie County.

The members of the team are either Deputy Sheriffs or Emergency Services Personnel who volunteer for the duty, in addition to their regularly assigned duties, without extra compensation. The standards for the Team are high and require extensive training provided by the Sheriff's Office and Emergency Services. Types of Diving Operations include drowning investigations, homicides involving water, weapon recovery, suicides involving water, auto crashes that involve water, auto thefts disposed of in water, boating crash investigations, suspicious sinking of vessels, recovery of stolen property. 
Billing/Medical Records
Filing A Claim
Frequently Asked Questions

Dixie County Emergency Medical Services is a county entity ambulance service. One of the highest priorities at Dixie County Emergency Services is to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers of Dixie County and the State of Florida.

As a service to you, we will bill your insurance company directly, if we have all the necessary information to file the claim.

Despite the large population of uninsured in our area and the invariable changes within Medicare and Other Insurance Carriers, our Department’s collection rate has consistently remained over 60%, excluding forced Medicare/Medicaid adjustments.

Business Manager
Lisa Sumrall
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2216
Email: Lisa Sumrall

Medical Records
Virginia Martin
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2217
Email: Virginia Martin

Quality Assurance
Jason Lemmermen
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2215
Email: Jason Lemmermen

Dixie County Emergency Medical Services is a county entity ambulance service. One of the highest priorities at Dixie County Emergency Services is to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers of Dixie County and the State of Florida.

As a service to you, we will bill your insurance company directly, if we have all the necessary information to file the claim.

Despite the large population of uninsured in our area and the invariable changes within Medicare and Other Insurance Carriers, our Department’s collection rate has consistently remained over 60%, excluding forced Medicare/Medicaid adjustments.

Business Manager
Lisa Sumrall
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2216
Email: Lisa Sumrall

Medical Records
Virginia Martin
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2217
Email: Virginia Martin

Quality Assurance
Jason Lemmermen
Phone: 352-498-1240 X 2215
Email: Jason Lemmermen

Why am I receiving an invoice?

An invoice is mailed to all patients who have been transported via ambulance. Please read it carefully. If we have all of the information to file your claim, the invoice will state "we have filed this bill with Medicare/Insurance and are awaiting payment". We will send you the balance due statement after Medicare/Insurance has paid or denied our claim. We will also file your secondary insurance if applicable.

Why am I receiving a Statement?

Monthly Statements are mailed at the end of each month on all accounts that have a balance.

Will you send the claim to my secondary insurance?

Yes, we will file a claim to your secondary/supplemental insurance after we receive the payment from your primary insurance/Medicare.

What if I do not have any insurance?

As part of our commitment to serving the community, we offer financial assistance in the form of discounts, payment arrangements, and/or charity care on our ambulance charges, to those patients who are indigent and satisfy certain requirements. To obtain an application for financial assessment, call the Billing Office at 352-498-1240 X 242.

Can I make payment arrangements?

We will gladly set up a monthly payment plan with you.

What method of payments do you accept?

Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Debit Cards

Can you explain my charges?

In compliance with the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, our fees are determined by using Medicare Part B's national fee schedule for ambulance services. There is one charge for all services and supplies, and then a separate charge for mileage.

The charges are based on the level of service provided.

A0429- Basic Life Support Emergency Transport

A0427-Advanced Life Support, Level 1 Emergency Transport

A0433-Advanced Life Support, Level 2 Emergency Transport (transport of a patient requiring the administration of three or more drugs (by IV, IM, or Sub Q) OR one of the following ALS procedures during transport: Manual defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, central venous line, cardiac pacing, chest decompression, surgical airway, intraosseous infusion.

A0425- Ground ambulance miles. Patient loaded miles from the point of patient pickup to the point of delivery to the "closest appropriate facility".

A0999- Negotiated Charge with Medicaid for mileage.

A0998- Response Fee (Non-Covered Charge by most insurance companies)

How can I get a copy of my ambulance trip report?

You can obtain a copy of your trip report by completing the medical records request form, (available on our website) and mail it along with payment to Medical Records Custodian P. O. Box 2009 Cross City, Florida 32628. (Records will not be mailed until payment is received)

Why am I being charged for a "response fee" when I have insurance?

Unfortunately, there is not a valid HCPT code for "response fees" (no transport services or evaluations). Most insurance companies will not reimburse us for this service. Therefore, it is "our" policy to collect directly from the patient and not file with any insurance company.

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How We Work

Dixie County Fire Rescue

Fire Rescue Locations

Dixie Rescue Trucks

Dixie County Fire Rescue is located in the Big Bend area of Northern Florida and has a staff of approximately 50 paid employees and approximately 30 volunteer members operating out of 3 fulltime career stations and 6 volunteer stations. DCFR provides fire suppression, prevention, inspections, emergency medical care, Community Paramedic services, and Emergency Management to a resident population base of approximately 17,000 over 700 square miles.

We are also supported locally by the Cross City Fire Department, located in the Town of Cross City. Our Department responds to all types of hazards including fires, vehicle accidents, Hazardous Materials events, and all-natural and man-made disasters within our county. Our department responds to approximately 4000 calls annually, with approximately 40% of these being fires.

The Dixie County Fire Services Department is committed to providing a superior level of emergency service that continually improves the quality of life, health, and safety of the people we serve, the residents of Dixie. The Dixie County Fire Services Department is a professional organization continually seeking opportunities to serve our community through fire prevention, emergency operations, patient care, and excellent customer service.

Our department has approximately 80 members, with approximately 60% of them being trained at a minimum to the state-required level of Firefighter I and first responder. Dixie County is always looking for persons who are interested in serving their community. Currently the required training for volunteers consists of Firefighter I training (230 hours) and First Responder Medical Training (40 Hours). These classes are routinely taught locally through our department and are offered at no cost to our members. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Fire Fighter, please use the Contact Us Box to send an email to the Fire Chief.

Fire stations are located at:

  • Station 21 - 71 NE 84 Ave, Old Town
  • Station 22 - 227 NE 211 Ave, Old Town
  • Station 31 - 9333 NE 349 Hwy, Old Town
  • Station 41 - 176 NE 210 Ave, Cross City
  • Station 51 - 66 SE 812 St, Jena
  • Station 61 - 83 5th Ave East, Horseshoe Beach
  • Station 71 - 21354 SE 349 Hwy, Suwannee

"Dixie County is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability of its website, for all people with disabilities. Learn more about assistive technology on our Americans with Disabilities Act, website compliance page."

EMS Locations and Services

Dixie Fire Truck Inspection Day

EMS Stations

  • EMS Station 1 @ 405 NE 22nd Ave houses Rescue 1. Serves as the central supply center as well a maintenance shop for EMS, Fire and the Sheriff's Office.
  • EMS Station 2 @ 307 NE 349 Hwy houses Rescue 2. One of our higher call volume stations.
  • EMS Station 3 @ 12756 NE 351 Hwy houses Rescue 3.
  • Cross City Fire Station @ 176 NE 210 Ave houses Squad One.
  • Fire Station 21 @ 71 NE 84 Ave houses Engine 21 and Rescue 4.

We also have a scheduled Non-Emergency Scheduled Transport Service available through the Suwannee River Economic Council. Please call 352-498-5018 extension 22 for more information.

Our staffs of Paramedics and EMTs are trained to perform state of the art medical protocols to be able to save lives!

CRP/First Aid Training

Dixie County Emergency Services is a certified and insured training center through American Safety and Health (ASHI). We offer community education courses which include CPR/AED for the layperson as well as Basic First Aid.

For healthcare providers, we also offer BLS CPR-Pro.

Course info is as follows;

CPR/AED for Community and Workplace is a 6 hour (4-hour re-certification) course offered to the general public who need to have the general knowledge of how to respond to a person in need of immediate medical intervention. Teaches Basic techniques for CPR, AED operation, and also basic steps in recognizing and dealing with common medical emergencies like Choking, Heart Attack, and Stroke.

BLS CPR-Pro is an 8 hour (6-hour re-certification) class for Healthcare Providers. Teaches Basic Life Support techniques on CPR and AED operation. The course also teaches basic steps in recognizing and providing care in common emergency situations.

First Aid is approx 2-4 hour class that teaches basic knowledge and techniques of providing initial care to the sick or injured until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. The course covers techniques on patient assessment, bandaging of trauma wounds, and initial care of medical illness emergencies.

Course Cost:
BLS CPR-Pro $35
CPR/AED for Community and Workplace $25
Basic First Aid $25 ($10 when taught together with CPR/AED)

Let’s Get in Touch

Dixie County Fire Rescue Logo
17600 SE Hwy 19 Hwy, Cross City, FL 32628
Darian Brown: Fire Chief
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2211
Email: Darian Brown
Scott Garner: Emergency Mgt Chief
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2212
Email: Scott Garner
Roy Bass: Operations Chief
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2214
Email: Roy Bass
Matt Ferguson: Administrative Chief
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2213
Email: Matt Ferguson
Scott Pendarvis: 911 Coordinator
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2218
Email: Scott Pendarvis
Lisa Sumrall: Business Manager & Billing
Phone: 352.498.1240 ext: 2216

Notices & Disclosures

This website is currently under renovation to ensure accessibility by any disabled individual. If anyone encounters an inaccessible feature on this website, please contact Angie Crowley, ADA Coordinator, Dixie County Board of County Commissioners, at (352) 498-1206 or Email Angie, to advise what inaccessible feature was encountered, and to allow the County to provide the desired information through alternative means, until such time as the website renovation is complete.​
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